Celebrating Educators this Week
Posted on 11/12/2018
A message from Superintendent Samantha Fuhrey.
November 12-16 is American Education Week! This year’s American Education Week theme is Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and OUR Responsibility. As an educational team, we have an obligation to provide the very best experience for our students---collectively, I fully believe, we can do anything!
It is our responsibility to ensure all of our students are prepared to face life beyond high school, and each of us must give at least 100% at our work---NO EXCUSES---REMEMBER, even on your VERY worst day, you may be someone’s best hope!! Your actions have a ripple effect on everyone in our district---including our students---it is critical that our actions ensure the success of our students!
To celebrate American Education Week, we are welcoming members of our community into our schools in the PRINCIPAL FOR A DAY initiative sponsored by the Newton County Chamber of Commerce! The Principal for a Day program is an excellent way to showcase the hard work and dedication of our school teams while strengthening partnerships and community support for public education. American Education Week presents us with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate public education and honor everyone working to make a difference by ensuring our students receive a high quality educational experience.
Thank you for all that you do, each and every day, for our students, families, and community! We have come a long way, and I am excited about the future! #LETSDOTHIS #STAYFOCUSED #WHATSYOURROCKSRIPPLE #NCSSBETHEBEST