Desktops 4 Ed is a computer refurbishing program sponsored by Newton County Schools and the Newton College & Career Academy's Future Business Leaders of America student organization. The application is for ONE refurbished desktop computer per household for currently enrolled NCSS students. The refurbished computer has a 7-day return policy. Computers include:
- CTL 2goPC
- Operating System: Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Atom CPU N2600 @ 1.60 GHz
- RAM: 2.00 GB
- Hard Drive: 300 GB
Families will be contacted by phone if their name is drawn on December 3, 2018. After two calls/messages if the family has not contacted Desktops 4 Ed within 24 hours, another name will be drawn. Fall distribution will be held on Wednesday, December 5, 2018. If the computer is not picked-up, the next name on the reserved list will be contacted.
Interested families may apply online starting September 20, 2018 at 8:00am. The application will be posted on both the Newton County School System’s homepage at www.newtoncountyschools.organd the NCCA homepage at http://www.newtoncountyschools.org/ncca, or you may request a paper application from your child’s school counselor. Students currently enrolled in Pre-K through 12th grades are eligible. Deadline to apply is November 2, 2018.
Students selected in the lottery drawing will be notified by phone and required to pick-up the computer at Newton College and Career Academy on December 5, 2018 at the designated time.